Stand out with a strong story

Confidently communicating your skills + experiences is the key to landing a job.
Our AI coach helps you do just that.

How will The ApplyAI help you?

Identify your strengths

Tailored + improved materials

Grow your confidence

Save time + effort

How it works

Do a discovery chat with our AI coach

Check out your custom game plan

Get tailored materials in 1 click

Just talk. We do the rest.

What happens after you sign up with The ApplyAI?


Share your stories

Tell our friendly AI about what you’ve done - and where you’re headed. It wants to hear about your “work wins”: times you solved a problem or made something happen. The more it knows, the more it can help you.


Get tailored insights

Our AI pays close attention to your every word and picks out details that even you might miss.  Whether it’s identifying your standout skills or giving you totally personalized talking points, our AI knows there’s nothing generic about who you are


Leverage your ApplyAI insights immediately

We take your unique experiences + your job goals and show you how to use that killer content to your advantage. Whether it’s an outreach email, an elevator pitch, or new-and-improved resume bullet points for your dream job, The ApplyAI has you covered. 

Leverage your ApplyAI insights immediately

The ApplyaI was founded by coaches. We're here to support your growth, give suggestions on next steps, and make your job search easier.

Competition is fierce

To stand out, your messaging needs to be on point. Our AI gets to know the real "you" and shows you how to make that happen.


applicants per job opening*

Zippa 2023

1 in 8

applicants get an interview

Zippa 2023

Ready to shorten your job search?
Try The ApplyAI for free

Join The ApplyAI now and unlock a tailored + effective approach to landing your next opportunity.